301 Seabreeze BLVD

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316


Book Tiki Boat Tour

Mon - Fri: 12:00 - 6:00

Fort Lauderdale Location

Tiki Boat Reviews

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale Tiki Boat Reviews

Our Customers Love Us


Niki Sacco: 5 Stars out of 5 stars

We took a vacation from Boston to Fort Lauderdale this winter and made a reservation for the tiki boat tour for a sunset cruise, it was awesome! We had such a good time And was unexpected. Everyone in our group had a blast I would recommend this tour to anyone visiting Fort Lauderdale. Chill Tiki Boats of Fort Lauderdale will always be a scheduled trip when we visit!

January 4, 2025

Our Customers Love Our Fort Lauderdale Tiki Boat Tours and always make sure to book a Tiki trip when they visit the Fort Lauderdale Area. Come enjoy the good life on the water with your favorite music, sipping your favorite cocktail. Our tiki bar boat is the perfect way to unwind and have a blast with your friends and family.

Bring your favorite drinks and food, and let our crew take care of the rest. Our friendly and experienced staff will ensure that your trip makes lasting memories!

Enjoy the beautiful views of Fort Lauderdale from the water, while sipping on your favorite cocktail and breathing the fresh air in the sunshine. Our tiki bar boat is equipped with everything you need for a fun-filled day on the water

Chill Tiki Boat Tours of Fort Lauderdale located at 400 SW Second St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. Book Your Tiki Boat Tour in Fort Lauderdale today 954-800-9377. Click Here for Info
tiki boat fort Lauderdale logo chill tiki boats

Chill Tiki Boat Reviews – Fort Lauderdale
Address: 400 SW Second St, 
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33312

Hours: Monday – Sunday 12pm – 6pm

Phone: +1 (954) 800-9377
Web: http://chilltikisfortlauderdale.com/

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